Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Spring was in the air today! Now that I have a spiffy new camera, I feel obligated to get out there and find things to photograph. So, I hope I captured a little of the spring-like qualities of the day here in Moscow, Idaho.

Snowdrops in East City Park

Pussywillows on the banks of Paradise Creek - which is probably a fifth of the size of Campbell Creek back home, so I have a hard time acknowledging it as a creek at all!

This Mourning Dove was obviously of the opinion that he was King of the pine grove. 

There is a huge field across the creek, and I always say 'hi' to my cow-buddy! There are some horses in the field as well, but they aren't so good for conversation.

Just some Canadian Geese in the pasture.

Acts 14:17

Nevertheless, He did not leave himself without witness, in that He did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.

Monday, February 25, 2013

An Adventure Of Scones -

Inspired by some young fellow Redwall fans, I decided to make scones to send with Rebekah for teatime at school tomorrow! I have recently been going through a wonderful book that I found at the Hope Center: Having Tea, by Tricia Foley. To be honest, I've never found a more comforting or inspirational cookbook! So, I tried the recipe for buttermilk scones, to which I added about half a cup of currents, because that seemed like a Friar Hugo thing to do!
Alchemy at work!

A scone, in it's pre-pastry form

A fully formed scone, baked to perfection, and ready for tea.

Actually, these didn't turn out as sweet as I wanted. Next time I'll add more sugar and try dates instead of currents. Still, a successful scone is nothing to be sorry about. I hope these last long enough for Rebekah to get them to school. . .

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Norther Flicker

Northern Flicker

Trying out my new camera Saturday afternoon. He was obliging enough to root around for ants across the water. Needless to say, I love my zoom.